Friday, January 6, 2012

Packing for Scotland

Packing for a long trip to northern Scotland in the dead of winter poses particular challenges, especially for a lifelong southerner who has become more than a little cold-natured in recent years.  Obviously, warm clothes - sweaters, heavy socks, long underwear, a serious coat, gloves, scarf, etc. - are absolutely essential.  

But what else?  Waterproof boots, I am told, are positively mandatory for surviving 8 wintry weeks in a place that seems precariously close to the North Pole.  I must admit that dry warm feet seem like a really good idea.  So...wellies:  check!

My new wellies:  Sexy!
It's easy (at least for me) to get bogged down in obsessing about being able to anticipate every possible need and eventuality that might arise during an 8-week stay, but finally I had to say to myself, "Snap out of it!  You're not going to a third world country, for God's sake!  They have all the modern conveniences - like stores, and even washing machines!"  

After the 20th or 30th time telling myself (and being told) this, it finally began to sink in.  Phew!  What liberating relief!  Now I will simply pack what I have and get what I need while I'm there.  Sanity (or what's left of it):  check!

But why was I being such a control freak?  My only theory is that when you are out of your comfort zone and feeling a bit like you're dancing on the edge, you control what you can.

Instead, I'm going to try simply to breathe and enjoy the ride.  

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