Thursday, January 26, 2012

New Beginnings

We human beings have so much inertia.

It's always much easier to keep doing what you've always done.  But maybe, when you're in a completely new place with its own way of doing things, it's just a little bit easier to say to yourself, "Just because I've always done it this way, that doesn't mean I have to continue."

In Scotland, or perhaps in the UK in general, everything is just different enough.  Yes, they speak English, but not like they do in the US, especially in the deep south.  Here, the simplest things are called by different names, and the simplest words have unique meanings that may require a bit of detective work before communication truly takes place.

It's that bit of extra effort that such things demand, I think, that makes one open to change, to new beginnings.  I feel to incredibly lucky  to have the opportunity.

The British have a saying, "Start as you mean to go on" which I have been pondering.  It seems to be a good watchword for new beginnings.

Taken 16 January 2012

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