Thursday, January 19, 2012

Loch Ness, haggis, shandy, and snow flurries

It's been an eventful day.  It didn't begin with much promise - grey and dreary - but it evolved quite nicely.  We drove toward Loch Ness in the hope that we might get enough of a lull in the rain to permit a short walk.  No such luck.  But we were in luck for lunch at Dores Inn, a nearby pub, where, as two of the first to be seated for lunch, we were cozily settled right by the fireplace.  After ordering haggis, neaps and tatties (haggis with turnips and mashed potatoes for Lynden) and sweet potato and leek soup (for me), we watched as the steady drizzle transitioned into a mixture of rain and and ultimately solid snow.  Lunch was delicious - and yes, I did taste the haggis, which was quite tasty and not at all weird, as well as the turnips, and also the shandy, an absolutely delicious and refreshing combination of beer and lemonade.

The snow was beautiful to watch and did come down quite heavily for a while, but it did not stick, which was probably just as well as we needed to drive.

I'm told we will need to return on a day when we have room for the cloutie dumpling. 

1 comment:

  1. Great! I did not find your pix in the Inverness Courier. It looks like you are having great fun. The vistas are marvelous and you look fabulous. Don't eat too much haggis on Robbie Burns Day. The visceral organs have plenty of cholesterol. Stick to the shandy!
